Saturday, June 14, 2008

But... I don't want to write today!

There is a funny sensation that hits me when I'm writing a novel. Suddenly everything else in the house becomes more interesting. The dishes in the sink are suddenly a matter of personal security if I don't wash them. The load of laundry will mildew three seconds after the cycle, and oh yes, there is always one more thing I need to look up on the internet or a vital program on TV.

I know what it is.... of course. I'm avoiding writing. I love writing normally until you suddenly put a deadline in front of me. Then, for some reason my head hates to do it. It reminds me of my youth and piano practice. I have to say, when I was younger and signed up for piano, I did my chores with more regularity, had all my homework completed, and my bedroom was always the cleanest room in the house.

How does one combat the avoidance? The answer is simple. You have to sit down and write. Though it's not as easy as all that. My computer is connected to the internet, thus I have a sit down gateway for avoidance. There have been times when I have simply switched off my computer and continued a chapter with pen and pencil.

Needless to say, almost every successful author I've read about or talked to gives themselves some sort of goal line per day. Whether it is 5000 words per week, 5 pages per day, 100 words per day, or what ever angle you want to play having that goal and forcing yourself to stick by it really helps. My personal goal marker is 5000 words per week or a chapter per day depending on the book. Right now, however, I am outlining, thus it is sheer tenacity that propels me out of this region of head banging. I should finish up today, but you guessed it I'm avoiding with this blog.

There are times when I can crank out three chapters in a day. Of course, that means that I have successfully tuned out everyone and everything in my life for two, four, six, eight, or even twelve hours; however, on momentous occasions like these, I am rewarded by having a few days off. Of course as Murphy's law provides- I will want to write that week. I wish I could say that I have successfully found a way to have this feeling all the time, but I don't. Writing is a job, thus sometimes you don't like it very much. The good news is that most of the time, you find it quite enjoyable.

Having said this, I suppose that I should get back on the piano bench and play. (Sigh) I have a feeling I will have to turn off the internet today...


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